Whether you’re a course developer, training administrator, or instructional designer, you likely have a great goal for your learning content: for your learners or customers to complete and play your courseware and view the reports. Learn how you make video SCORM complaints and how to get started.
Introduction to SCORM
A collection of technological principles for e-learning software products is known as the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). SCORM tells computer operators how to engrave their code to “show well” with other eLearning software.
It serves as the de facto industry standard for interoperability in eLearning. Precisely, SCORM governs how Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and online learning content communicate. SCORM does not speak to pedagogical concerns or instructional design— it is purely a technical standard.
SCORM consists of three sub-specifications
The content packaging section agrees on how data should be described and packaged. It is based mainly on XML.
The Run-Time section identifies how it communicates with the LMS, and content should be launched. It is based chiefly on ECMAScript (JavaScript).
The Sequencing section agrees on how the student can navigate between parts of the course (SCOs). It is defined by a set of attributes and rules written in XML.
How does SCORM work?
There are several advantages to the best SCORM-compliant solutions:
Content packaging: A SCORM package contains all the data an LMS needs to launch and import content and contains all the learning resources for a single course.
Run-time communication: This module is responsible for data exchange between the deals and content and the LMS with tracking and delivery.
Sequencing: It describes how a student navigates through the course. For instance, it guides how a consumer moves after performing certain actions, defining that activities and hitting the next button must be finished before they go to the next step.
Advantages of the SCORM format
Now that you know how SCORM works and what it is, let's look at what advantages it provides. There are essentially quite a few that you might not have expected:
· Compatibility: Nearly any LMS will identify a SCORM course.
· Saving progress: A learner doesn’t have to go through the entire course simultaneously. It can be completed one by one. One hour, then some rest, and they can resume work from where they stopped. All the development remains. This is also convenient when the course is occasionally closed or when the system fails.
· Feedback: You will be able to evaluate the learner’s progress. For example, when Joe College completes the virtual course, the scheme will show the status “course completed” or how many points he scored.
· Clear course structure: You can set rules for moving between sections and build a clear course structure. For instance, students may need to watch a video or study a lecture, and then they can go to the concluding test.
· Modularity: Training material consists of modules or standalone units to make video SCORM compliant. Each unit can be used in any other course within the LMS.
Wrapping up
Even though the best SCORM-compliant solution is an outmoded technology, it still dominates the eLearning market. SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 have become the most popular technology standards.
According to a recent survey, 62% of industries use SCORM progressions for training in their LMS.
Others, on the other hand, think that different eLearning standards will take center stage in the future. More just, the development of SCORM has generated the cmi5 and Tin Can (Experienced API)
These formats eye a wide range of capabilities: they allow your beginners to use mobile devices, study offline, support interactive simulations and PDF documents, collect thorough statistics about beginners’ progress, and much more. Acadecraft is one of the best SCORM-compliant solutions providers.